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Effect of processing methods on consumer’s acceptability and proximate composition of yellow croaker was investigated. The experiment was completely randomized design where the treatments were the various processing methods employed. 12kg frozen yellow croaker fish were purchased, cut into chunks, divided into 4 groups of 3kg each, each group was salted and then subjected to different processing methods including: sun drying, deep- frying, solar drying and smoking. After processing, the products were subjected to organoleptic assessment using hedonic scale while the proximate composition was determined using standard experimental procedures.  The result of this study indicates that the odour and flavour of smoked fish product were significantly (p < 0.01) preferred by consumers above other products. Solar dried fish product had highest percentage crude protein followed by smoked fish product while smoked fish product had the highest crude ash. This study suggests that it is better to process yellow croaker by solar drying and smoking so as to get good nutrients.


processing methods consumer preference proximate composition yellow croacker

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How to Cite
Ayeloja, A. A., George, F. O., Jimoh, W. A., & Abdulsalami, S. A. (2020). Effect of processing methods on consumer’s acceptability and proximate composition of yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis). Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences [JAMS], 24, 30–33. Retrieved from


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