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Food industries are looking for the suitable instrumental methods that estimate consistently sensory textural qualities of food products. Monitoring texture using instrumental methods is cheaper over time than maintaining a sensory quality panel. Therefore, a good relation between sensory and instrumental textural attributes could be highly beneficial. Earlier the sensory and instrumental texture profile analysis (TPA) of date fruits were published. In the present research, we aimed to report the relation between instrumental and sensory textural attributes of date fruit varieties. Instrumental TPA and sensory textural attributes were correlated. We found significant correlations between sensory and instrumental TPA attributes of date fruits varieties and this suggests a great promise for developing on-line quality control.


Date fruits sensory analysis Instrumental texture Phoenix dactylifera Correlation

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Singh, V., Rahman, M. S., Guizani, N., & Shah, H. (2020). Correlation between Sensory and Instrumental Textural Attributes of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) fruits: Technical Note. Journal of Agricultural and Marine Sciences [JAMS], 26(1), 57–61. Retrieved from


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