Published: Jan 17, 2018

Evaluating continuous application of treated sludge on soil and plant productivity

2-7 Ahmed Al-Busaidi, Mushtaque Ahmed, Baby Shaharoona

Moisture and temperature in a proppant-enveloped silt block of a recharge dam reservoir: Laboratory experiment and 1-D mathematical modelling

8-17 Anvar Kacimov, Ali Al-Maktoumi, Said Al-Ismaily, Hamed Al-Busaidi

Evaluation of some water saving devices in urban areas: A case study from the Sultanate of Oman

18-26 Hayder A. Abdel Rahman, Halima A Al-Farsi, Mushtaque Ahmed, Matheus F. A Goosen

Agricultural resources management through a linear programming approach: A case study on productivity optimization of crop-livestock farming integration

27-35 Hemanatha P. W. Jayasuriya, Romy Das

Computer vision technique to classify dates based on hardness

36-41 Annamalai Manickavasagan, Naeema H. Al-Shekaili, Nawal K. Al-Mezeini, M. Shafiur Rahman, Negib Guizani

In-situ colour correction for digital images acquired under non-standard lighting conditions

42-47 Annamalai Manickavasagan, P. M. K Alahakoon

Use of renewable energy for desalination in urban agriculture in the GCC countries: Possibilities and challenges

48-57 Salem Al-Jabri, Mushtaque Ahmed

Development of a decision support system for precision management of conjunctive use of treated wastewater for irrigation in Oman

58-62 Hemanatha P. W. Jayasuriya, Ahmed Al-Busaidi, Mushtaque Ahmed

Feasibility of growing Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) at Jabal Al-Akhdar, Sultanate of Oman

63-66 Salim Ali Al-Rawahi, Amna Mahmoud Al-Toobi, Mohammed Issa Al-Balushi

Effect of sugar replacement with date paste and date syrup on texture and sensory quality of kesari (traditional Indian dessert)

67-74 Annamalai Manickvasagan, Chandini S Kumar, Zaher H Al-Attabi

Carbon and nutrient balances in three mountain oases in Northern Oman

75-86 Andreas Buerkert, Mohamed Nasser Al-Rawahi, Martina Melapie, Eva Schlecht

Increasing water productivity enhances water saving for date palm cultivation in Oman

87-91 Yasseen Al-Mulla, H. M Al-Gheilani