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The current study aimed at identifying different aspects pertaining to the extent of smoking prevelence among SQU students. Among these aspects, reasons behind students’ smoking, students’ atttiudes towards smoking, their attempts to quit, and their awarness of smoking negative efffects in terms of physical, psychological, social, and academic effects. Quantitiative approach was used and the sample included 3931 male and female students (22.80% of the population), who were enrolled in different colleges and from different academic degrees (e.i., undergraduate and postgraduate studies).

The study findings showed that 4% of the study sample smoked different types of smokes, especially ciggerates. Most of the students had started smoking before they joined SQU or during their first or second years at SQU. In addition, friends a major reason for starting smoking.  The study also showed that the students smoked in order to get rid of tension and study stress. Furthermore, more than half of the sample decleared their desire to quit smoking and join any therapy or counselimg programs which can help them.


Smoking students university levels reasons

Article Details


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