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Iran has a deeply rooted tradition of manufacturing vessels with zoomorphic shapes, an industry that continued to exist even after the spread of Islam. The museum of ArRawdaha Al-Moqaddaseh in Qum has on display a lamp in the shape of a pigeon that dates back to the Safavid period (907-1135 A.H/1501- 1722 A.D). This lamp is considered to be one of the lighting devices masterpieces. This research paper studies this masterpiece using a descriptive approach that concentrates on identifying anddocumenting the prominent features of the lamp’s general design. In addition, it utilizes an analytical approach that compares this masterpiece to other similar examples that predate and postdate it. This analytical approach explores the functions of the lamp and identifies the relationship between its design and these functions. Later, the analysis attempts to link the design, which combines the body of a pigeon and the beak of a hawk, to the beliefs of the shiᶜah Ithna- Asheri sect and the prevailing culture in Safavid Iran.


Safavid Iran Metalwork Brass Oil Lamp Museum of Astaneh Moqaddaseh in Qum

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