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Relations between the Sultanate of Oman and the Islamic Republic of Iran extend back to the ancient civilisations that inhabited both regions. At first, trade was the only connection between the two countries. This later evolved into the Persian occupation of Oman which ended in the first century BC after the battle of Saloot. However, these ancient relations are irrelevant to this paper which seeks to examine the nature of the relations between the two states in current times. Oman recognizes Iran as an ancient civilization, not just a new or modernized state. Oman does not ignore the role of Iran in the region and gives it its deserved attention. This is because Oman understands Iran’s significant contemporary and historical position in the Middle East.It is undoubted that Omani influence reached the Iranian territories through the message of Islam. This was the result of Omani merchants and travelers who sailed through the golden strait (Hormuz) to the Iranian border. Moreover, some Persian and Arab tribes settled in the north cost of Oman and lived peacefully together till the modern days. Oman-Iran’s relationship is based on reciprocal respect and not interfering in the internal affairs of both states. The security and logistic cooperation between the two states was very strong in the 1970s and reached its peak in 1977, when the Shah of Iran visited Oman. In the 1970s, Oman signed several agreements, many of which were with Iran, to secure itself from communist threats.


Oman Iran Relations The Gulf GCC

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