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This paper reviews the growing literature on organizational readiness for knowledge management (KM) in both public and private sectors. It is based on literature published during the period 1997-2016. Only original research papers have been included in this literature review. The thematic structure has been adopted. In the beginning, significance of knowledge as well as the significance and definition of KM will be clarified. Afterwards, the underlying problems and methodological issues raised in the literature will be discussed. The paper also reviews the relationship between organizational readiness and organizational and human contributing factors. Finally, significant differences in employees’ attitudes and willingness to be involved in the KM process according to different demographic variables will be examined. Research shows that it is essential to assess organizational readiness before embarking on KM projects. In addition, research indicates that both organizational factors, namely, culture, structure, and information technology (IT) infrastructure, and human factors, namely, acceptance of KM and willingness to participate in the KM process influence, organizational readiness for KM. This study is useful for researchers and practitioners to understand current trends and problems and methodological issues. This paper identifies trends, problems and methodological issues. A mixed-approach investigation consisting of both quantitative and qualitative methods is recommended to provide a comprehensive understanding of the contributing factors influencing organizational readiness for KM.


Knowledge Management Readiness Organizational factors Human Factors Public sector Private sector Literature review

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