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The article aims to identify and discuss the various roles that libraries hold with regard to national security and to use the findings to propose a more clearly delineated future role for the global and national communities which reconciles these diverse and sometimes conflicting roles. The review of literature revealed that the roles of libraries with regard to national security fall mainly into two categories. That which has received most attention, mainly in the U.S. context, involves co-operation with the provisions of national security legislation which relate to libraries and their users and, relatedly, advocating for limits on these policies to protect the rights of citizens. The other main category comprises ways in which libraries have been shown to actively strengthen national security, such as ensuring equality of access to information and the digital literacy education necessary to understand it, providing safe community spaces where democratic values can be developed and shared, and disseminating information about national security threats to governments and citizens alike. The article is expected to be of considerable value in demonstrating how libraries can work together internationally and with national governments to help promote national security while ensuring that the rights of library users are also protected
Keywords: Public Libraries, National Security, Information Specialists, IFLA, Information Dissemination, Legislations, Advocacy Role.
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