منشور: Aug 4, 2017

The Sentence in Its Syntactic and Semantic Aspects in Al-Salimi’s Grammatical Scholarship

5-13 Sameer Statiyyeh، Halah Al Abooshi

Characteristics of the Editorial and Advertisement Content of the Omani Arabic Dailies Front Page: A Study on Content and Communicator

15-46 Abdullah Khamis Al Kindi، Muna Sulaiman Abdullah Al- Zadjali

Job Satisfaction of Public Relations Practitioners at Saudi Arabia Hospitals ( A Survey Study)

47-65 Hatem Alawnah، Abdullah Alenezy

Public Attitudes Towards Omani Media Coverage of “Gono” Cyclone Crisis

67-84 Obaid Said Al- Shaqsi

The Role of Yemenis in the Berber Revolution in Morocco during the Umayyad Era «122-132 AH / 739-749 AD»

85-99 Saeed Naji Ghalib Qaid Iskander

Camels in Rock Art Scenes in Dhofar

101-114 Ali Tigani ElMahi

Jordanian Press’ Approach to the Crisis of General Secondary School Results of Winter Session 2010: An Analytical Study of a Sample of Al Raai, Al-Arab Al Yawm and Al Sabeel Newspapers

115-137 Ali O. Nejadat