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Simulation models are used for predicting educational future requirements. Based on the aim of the study, a quantitative research methodology was used in studying educational future indicators. The data was collected from the Kuwaiti official statistics, the Ministry of Education, and the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training. The educational indicators such as school intensity, classroom intensity, and student to teacher ratio from 2010/2011 till 2014/2015 were studied and analyzed. Simulation models were applied to predict the requirements for 2024/2025. The results showed that increasing the number of students would result in an increase in the number of schools, classrooms, faculty, staff, and textbooks. The educational indicators in the governmental sector were better compared with the private sector at all levels of education. This indicates that students have more favorably opportunities for education at governmental schools. However, results showed that students are more inclined to enroll in private schools at the primary level than in other higher school levels. The simulation results showed that improving educational efficiency by increasing success rates will, in turn, lead to an increase in students’ enrollment and the educational requirements. In light of these findings, the researcher recommends using simulation models and benefiting from their advantages in saving time, effort, and supporting decision-making.


Strategic planning information technology decision support simulation models UNESCO EPSSim model.

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