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This study aimed to explore the effect of a training program based on auditory perception skills in enhancing phonological awareness among learning disability students in the Aseer region. The sample of the study consisted of forty students from grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the Aseer directorate of education. Students were diagnosed by the resources room teacher as learning disability students. The researchers used the semi-experimental design which consists of experimental and control groups. Results showed mean significant difference in the phonetic sequential-memorization skill between the experimental and control groups on the post-test, in favor of the experimental group. There was no significant difference in the auditory perception skills that could be attributed to grade level. The results showed a continuous effect for the phonological awareness development program in developing auditory perception skills among learning disability students in the Aseer area.
Article Details
- خصاونة، محمد أحمد (2016). صعوبات التعلم النمائية (محكم ومقيم علمياً)، عمّان: دار الفكر ناشرون وموزعّون.
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- Del Puerto, F. & Lacabex E. (2014). Two phonetic-training procedures for young learners: Investigating instructional effects on perceptual awareness. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 70 (4), 500–531.
- Falth, L., Gustrafson, S., & Svensson, I. (2017). Phonological awareness training with articulation promotes early reading development. Education, 137 (3), 261-276.
- Gonzalez, Del Rosario. & Espinel, Maria, (2002). Remedial Intervention For children with Reading Disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35(4), 289-384.
- Kardaleska, L., & Karovska, A., (2018). Retrieving the view of phonological and phonemic awareness as early predictors in reading difficulties. Vizione, 29, 23-30.
- Makhoul, B. (2016). Moving beyond phonological awareness, the role of phonological awareness skills in Arabic reading development. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 46, 469-480.
- Olszewski, A., Soto, X. & Goldstein H. (2017). Modeling alphabet skills as instructive feedback within a phonological awareness intervention. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 26, 769-790.
- Paige, D., Rupley, W., Smith, G., Olinger, C., & Leslie, M. (2018). Acquisition of letter naming knowledge, phonological awareness, and spelling knowledge of kindergarten children at risk for learning to read. Child Development Research, 1-10. doi. 10.1155/2018/2142894.2018: 1-10.
- Pavelko, S., Lieberman, J, Schartz, J., Hahs-Vaughn, D. (2018). The contributions of phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and letter writing to name writing in children with specific language impairment and typically developing children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 166-180.
- Rababah, E. (2017). The impact of using reading storybooks and writing journal activities on print and phonemic awareness of Jordanian kindergarten children. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11,736-748.doi: http: 10.24200/jeps.vol11iss4pp736-748Stanovich, K A. (1982). Individuai differences in the cognitive processes of reading: II Text-level processes. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 15(9), 549-554.
خصاونة، محمد أحمد (2016). صعوبات التعلم النمائية (محكم ومقيم علمياً)، عمّان: دار الفكر ناشرون وموزعّون.
الروسان، فاروق والخطيب، جمال والناطور، مياده. (2004). صعوبات التعلم. الكويت: الجامعة العربية المفتوحة.
سالم، محمود والشحات، مجدي وعاشور، أحمد (2015). صعوبات التعلّم: التشخيص والعلاج، عمّان: دار الفكر ناشرون وموزّعون.
الشوربجي، سحر، والمحرزي، راشد، والزاملي، علي، والكيومي، أمل، والمنذري، ريا، والبرواني، ثوبية، والسناني، يسرى (2017). فاعلية برنامج قائم على التدريس باستخدام الوعي الفونيمي والفونولوجي لتحسين القراءة لدى تلاميذ الصف الأول الأساسي في سلطنة عمان، مجلة الدراسات التربوية والنفسية، 11(3)، 666-686.
عبدالله، عادل (2007). دراسات في سيكولوجيا غير العاديين، القاهرة: دار الرشـاد.
عليمات، إيناس (2017). فاعلية برنامج تدريبي محوسب لتنمية مهارات الوعي الصوتي لتفعيل القدرة على القراءة والكتابة لدى عينة من التلاميذ الموهوبين من ذوي صعوبات التعلم. مجلة الدراسات التربوية والنفسية. 12 (1): 130-146.
الفارسي، حفصة، وإمام، محمود (2017). فاعلية التدريب على مهارات الوعي الصوتي في تحسين مهارة فك الترميز لدى التلاميذ من ذوي صعوبات القراءة، مجلة الدراسات التربوية والنفسية، 11(2)، 315-336.
مصطفى، ريحاب. (2018). فعالية برنامج مقترح لتنمية الوعي الصوتي لدى تلميذات الصف الأول الابتدائي بالمملكة العربية السعودية. مجلة القراءة والمعرفة. 196: 17-90.
الوقفي، راضي، والكيلاني، عبدالله (1998). مجموعة الاختبارات الإدراكية. عمان: كلية الاميرة ثروت.
Cusimano , A. ( 2005 ). Auditory sequential memory instructional workbook for the development of aduitory listening, processing and recall of numbers, letters and word. Lansdale, P. A.
Del Puerto, F. & Lacabex E. (2014). Two phonetic-training procedures for young learners: Investigating instructional effects on perceptual awareness. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 70 (4), 500–531.
Falth, L., Gustrafson, S., & Svensson, I. (2017). Phonological awareness training with articulation promotes early reading development. Education, 137 (3), 261-276.
Gonzalez, Del Rosario. & Espinel, Maria, (2002). Remedial Intervention For children with Reading Disabilities, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35(4), 289-384.
Kardaleska, L., & Karovska, A., (2018). Retrieving the view of phonological and phonemic awareness as early predictors in reading difficulties. Vizione, 29, 23-30.
Makhoul, B. (2016). Moving beyond phonological awareness, the role of phonological awareness skills in Arabic reading development. Journal of Psycholinguist Research, 46, 469-480.
Olszewski, A., Soto, X. & Goldstein H. (2017). Modeling alphabet skills as instructive feedback within a phonological awareness intervention. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 26, 769-790.
Paige, D., Rupley, W., Smith, G., Olinger, C., & Leslie, M. (2018). Acquisition of letter naming knowledge, phonological awareness, and spelling knowledge of kindergarten children at risk for learning to read. Child Development Research, 1-10. doi. 10.1155/2018/2142894.2018: 1-10.
Pavelko, S., Lieberman, J, Schartz, J., Hahs-Vaughn, D. (2018). The contributions of phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, and letter writing to name writing in children with specific language impairment and typically developing children. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 27, 166-180.
Rababah, E. (2017). The impact of using reading storybooks and writing journal activities on print and phonemic awareness of Jordanian kindergarten children. Journal of Educational and Psychological Studies, 11,736-748.doi: http: 10.24200/jeps.vol11iss4pp736-748Stanovich, K A. (1982). Individuai differences in the cognitive processes of reading: II Text-level processes. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 15(9), 549-554.