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The purpose of this study was to unveil the causal relationship of the big-five factors, self-efficacy and happiness for JUST students. Based on scientific foundations, it constructed a proposed causal relationship model using path analysis for interpreting happiness. To achieve this goal, the Big Five Factors  by John, Donahue & Kentle, (1991), the General Self-Efficacy Scale of Schwarzer & Jerusalem, (1995), and Oxford Happiness Inventory were employed.  The sample consisted of 377 students chosen on availability grounds. The results showed no statistically significant differences between the proposed and the optimal causal relationship models due to high matches on AGFI=0.942; NFI=0.986; RMSEA=0.069; GFI=0.994; IFI=0.991; TLI=0.933; and CFI=0.990. Thus, the model construes the relationships proposed and represents the optimal causal relationship model for the variables of the study.


The big-five-factors self-efficacy happiness path analysis.

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