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This study aimed to explore the impact of a family group counseling program in the parenting skills and family parental adjustment among alternative families that have included a child into their families through alternative care programs offered by the Ministry of Social Development. The study population which was selected in a purposive way, consisted of (16) alternative families. They were randomly assigned into which experimental group (8) families and the control group (8) families, the parental skills and the family parental adjustment scales were applied pre, posttest and fellow up test at the study groups. A family counseling program based on structural theory had been developed, it consists of (15) sessions and applied on the experimental group. The results of the study indicated: There were statistically significant differences in the total, sub tests parental skills, and the family parental adjustment; were in a favor of the experimental group. There were no statistically significant differences in the parental skills and family adjustment according to the gender. There were no statistically significant differences between post-test and the follow-up test on the experimental group in the parental skills and family parental adjustment. The study recommended applying this program, on alternative families.


Family group counseling. structural theory. parenting skills. family parental adjustment. alternative families.

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