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The present study aimed at investigating math and science post-basic education school teachers’ use of Assessment for Learning (AfL) and Assessment of Learning (AoL) Practices in Oman from teachers’ points of view and as perceived by their educational supervisors. To achieve the objectives of this study, a 31-item of Likert type questionnaire was used. The questionnaire was divided into two subscales. The first subscale contains 12 AoL practices while the second one contains 19 AfL practices. The questionnaire was distributed to 288 math, biology, physics, and chemistry teachers and to 78 math and science educational supervisors. The results show that math and science teachers use AoL practices more than their use of AfL practices from their points of view and based on their educational supervisors perceptions. The study recommends math and science teachers balance between the use of AoL and AfL practices.


Math and Science teachers assessment for learning assessment of learning practices Oman.

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