محتوى المقالة الرئيسية


This study examined post-graduate education students’ attitudes towards gender equality. It also explored the factors that influenced their formation, in addition to studying the differences in attitudes due to gender and social status. A  mixed design was used. Quantitative data were collected from a random sample of 168 students using a questionnaire prepared by the researchers. The qualitative data were collected from three focus groups with six students each. The findings showed high awareness of women's rights in areas related to family, social and political matters.  Female and unmarried students showed attitudes that are more positive. Results indicated that there are factors that influence the formation of students' attitude including family, culture, education, personal and life experiences.  Recommendations highlighted the importance of raising the awareness of the community towards the Islamic perspective of the rights and obligations of women and men in addition to linking this to the international humanitranian  right laws and agreements, and to issue the necessary policies and laws support their implementation.

تفاصيل المقالة


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