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This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of a counseling supervisory program based on the discrimination model in improving crisis counseling skills for family reform counselors in Jordan. The sample of the study consisted of 30 female and male counselors, who were randomly assigned to two groups: the experimental group (15) male and female counselors received the supervisory program according to the discrimination model with 90-minute 18 weekly sessions over 9 weeks, whereas  the control group (15) female and male counselors did not receive the supervisory program. The  Family Crisis Skills  Scale which  consists  of 59 items was divided into three subscales: Family Crisis Counseling, Counseling Relation Skills, and Procedures of Intervention & Response to Crisis. It  was  used with the total sample in the pre-post-test, and in the follow-up test only with experimental group. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant differences in the overall mean scores of  the  posttest and all sub-scales of the Family Crisis Skills Scale between the two study group, in favor of the experimental group. Also, the results showed that although the differences between the two groups  in the overall mean scores of the post-follow-up test and all sub-scales of the Family Crisis Skills Scale were not statistically significant, there was a positive gain of improvement for the experimental group. These findings suggest that the counselors in the experimental group retained the impact of the program, and provided  evidence that the impact of the program was efficient and sustainable.


Counseling supervisory program discrimination model crisis counseling skills reform counselors.

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