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The study aimed to measure the impact of using the flipped learning strategy on students’ engagement and achievement when creating computer applications. The study used a quasi-experimental approach to prepare the literature framework and two measurement tools, including an achievement test and an engagement scale. The study sample consisted of 42 learners. The researcher used a t-test to measure the differences between the control group (taught by a traditional method) and experimental group (taught using the flipped learning strategy). The content of the pre-class consisted of videos, PowerPoint presentations and the use of appropriate URLs, which was provided through an Easy class platform. Students worked individually and cooperatively during the class activities. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at α≤0.05 between the means of the experimental and control groups in the post-tests on both achievement and learning engagement. This was in favor of the experimental group, which used videos, presentations and web links on the subject of achievement and learning engagement, unlike the control group that used a traditional method.


Flipped classroom easyclass computer application learning engagement.

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