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Establishing test validity is among the highly significant issues in language assessment which can be achieved by employing well-established validity frameworks. Adopting validity frameworks could generate valid and reliable tests that inform more systematic decisions. Using Weir’s socio-cognitive framework (2005), this paper aims to highlight the validation process of the reading questions in the General Education Diploma of English Language Test (GEDELT) of 2016/2017 in Oman. Findings revealed that context-validity is inadequately satisfied due to the test response format, absence of allotted time for each question and the exhaustion that the test takers may experience due to the length of the test. Theory-based validity witnesses strengths from utilizing a large number of texts and a weakness from overemphasis on the skill of scanning to locate specific information. Scoring-validity is considered high since types of task response, marking guides and electronic marking reduce markers' subjectivity and minimize human error. The study draws its conclusions in light of the findings of test validity. 


Weir framework socio-cognitive validation test validity reading.

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