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Counseling needs play significant roles in the lives of university students. This is because counseling needs could help students with their psychological stability and academic adjustment. Hence, addressing such topic among university students, especially those with disability, is the top priority. This study aimed at identifying the counseling needs among students with disability and addressing the differences between male and female disabled students in this regard. To achieve these aims, a qualitative approach of using in-depth interviews with 10 males and 8 females in Sultan Qaboos University was used. Findings of this study revealed that disabled students faced different psychological problems related to assignment submission, doing exams, and making friendships. The study further showed that they also had relationship problems with the academic and administration staff especially at the beginning of every academic semester. Results also showed that male and female disabled students shared similar counseling needs. Although the students valued the counseling services that are currently offered by the university, they thought that they were in need for more services as well, especially at the individual level.   


Counseling needs students with disability academic adjustment. الحاجات الإرشادية، الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة، التوافق الأكاديمي.

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