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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of Padlet in enhancing the EFL reading and writing skills, which are considered as basic skills taught in public schools, in Saudi Arabia. The present study followed the quasi-experimental design in the form of two groups - a control group (taught reading and writing skills in a conventional way), and an experimental group (taught reading and writing skills by using Padlet). The study sample consisted of (60) grade 10 students (thirty students in each group) from Al-Shati High School. The sample took a pre-post achievement test as an evaluation tool of student’s performance in reading and Writing. The results, showed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean score of the two groups in the achievement test in favor of the experimental group. The study recommended adopting the use of Padlet in EFL classroom learning environments for learning reading and writing skills.                          


Padlet, mobile learning, teaching English language, reading skill, writing skill, secondary stage. الحوائط الإلكترونية (Padlet)، التعلم النقال، تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية، مهارة القراءة، مهارة الكتابة، المرحلة الثانوية.

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