Main Article Content
The study aimed to identify the educational leaders ’ability to invest big data in activating educational policy in Kuwait City, with a focus on identifying the challenges facing them and how to deal with it. As well, it searched for statistically significant differences in the sample mean averages according to gender, employer, and years of leadership experience. The descriptive analytical approach was adopted. The sample included 516 participants, 426 headmasters of various levels of schools, and 90 leaders from the six educational distracts in Kuwait. The questionnaire was designed to collect data. The most important results came to show that: (a) The ability of educational leaders to invest big data came in a low; (B) The challenges facing educational leaders in investing big data came to a moderate degree; (V) The measures agreed upon by the educational leaders to invest big data came in at a high degree; And (w) the presence of statistically significant differences in favor of females and in favor of leaders in the educational district and in favor of the least experienced. Recommendations were made, including the restructuring of the infrastructure in all components with the establishment of security controls for all users.
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- Agha, N. (2018). Perceptions of school teachers in the governorates of Gaza Strip about the requirements for implementing educational policy strategies. Palestine University Journal for Research and Studies, 8(2), 56-103. (In Arabic).
- Al-Aklubi, Ali. (2018). Big data and decision making at King Saud University: An evaluation study of ITQAN system. Journal of Information Studies & Technology, 15, 1-12. (In Arabic)
- Al-Ghafeer, F. (2015). A Proposed model for the community school and Its educational policies in the stage of elementary education in Syria in light of the experiences of some of the proposed countries (Unpublished PhD’s Thesis). Damascus University, Syrian Arab Republic. (In Arabic).
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- Al-Khatheeri, Y., Abdulbaqi, A., & Al-shibami, A. (2018). Conceptual framework for Investigating the Intermediate role of information systems between Big Data Factor and Decision-Making Factor. International Journal of Management and Human Science, 2(2), 39-45.
- Al-Sarayra, K., & Abu Hamid, A. (2016). Role of the school administration in spreading information and communication technology in the school community. Journal of Educational Sciences Studies, 4(43), 1483-11501. (In Arabic).
- Butliles, M. (2014). Education Progress in Algeria from 1830 to 2011 (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of Oran, Es Sénia, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. (In Arabic).
- Dede, C. (2016). Next steps for 'Big Data' in education: Utilizing data-intensive research. Education Technology, LVI(2), 37-42.
- Deo, S. (2019(. Use of big data and social media in education in undergraduate and post.
- Drigas, A. S., & Leliopoulos, P. (2014). The use of Big Data in Education. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 11(5), 58-63.
- Dubey, R., & Gunasekaran, A. (2015). Education and training for successful career in Big Data and Business Analytics. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47(4), 174-181.
- Eid, Souad. (2013). Planning the educational policy and contemporary civilization challenges. Cairo: The Anglo-Egyptian Library. (In Arabic).
- Graduate management studies. A study with respect to Nagpur city. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 9(3), 65-66.
- Huda, M., Anshari, M., Almunawar, M. N., Shahrill, M., Tan, A., Jaidin, (2016, December). Innovative teaching in higher education: The Big Data Approach.
- Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Shahrill, M., Jasmi, K. A., Mustari, I., & Basiron, B. (2017). Exploring adaptive teaching competencies in big data era. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12(3), 68-83.
- J. H., Daud, S., & Masri, M. (2016). Innovative teaching in higher education: The Big Data Approach. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, (Special Issue for INTE 2016).
- Jeble, S., & Patil, Y. (2018). Role of big data in decision making. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 11(1), 36-44.
- Kumi, A. M., & Seidu, A. A. (2017). Comparative review of selected educational policies of 1st and 2nd cycle institutions in Ghana and Burkina Faso and that of United Kingdom and United States. Academic journals, 12(7), 415-424.
- Maqnani, S., & Shabila, M. (2019). Role of big data in supporting sustainable development in Arab countries. Journal of Information and Technology Studies, Association of Specialized Libraries in the Arab Gulf, (1), 1-14. (In Arabic)
- Mayer, V., & Cukier, K. (2014). Learning with big data: The future of education. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Mcafee, A. & Brynjolfsson, E. (2012). Big data: The management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 60-68.
الأغا، ناصر. (2018). تصورات معلمي المدارس بمحافظات قطاع غزة حول متطلبات تطبيق استراتيجيات السياسة التعليمية. مجلة جامعة فلسطين للأبحاث والدراسات، 8(2)، 56-103.
الأكلبي، علي. (2018). البيانات الضخمة واتخاذ القرار في جامعة الملك سعود: دراسة تقييمية لنظام اتقان. مجلة دراسات المعلومات والتكنولوجيا، 15، 1-12.
الأمانة العامة للمجلس الأعلى للتخطيط والتنمية. (2016). خطة التنمية السنوية 2017/2018. الكويت.
بوتليليس، مراد. (2014). تطور التعليم في الجزائر من 1830 إلى 2011 (رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة). جامعة وهران السانيا، الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية.
الحسن، رائد. (2012). سياسة التعليم قبل الجامعي بدولة الكويت "دراسة مستقبلية (رسالة ماجستير غير منشورة). الجامعة الخليجية، مملكة البحرين.
الصرايرة، خالد؛ وأبو حميد، عاطف. (2016). دور الإدارة المدرسية في نشر تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات في المجتمع.
المدرسي. مجلة دراسات العلوم التربوية، 4(43)، 1483-11501.
عيد، سعاد. (2013). تخطيط السياسة التعليمية والتحديات الحضارية المعاصرة. القاهرة: مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية.
الغفير، فتون. (2015). أنموذج مقترح للمدرسة المجتمعية وسياساتها التربوية في مرحلة التعليم الأساسي في سورية في ضوء
خبرات بعض الدول المقترحة (أطروحة دكتوراه غير منشورة). جامعة دمشق، الجمهورية العربية السورية.
قيراطي، هناء؛ ودحمون، أسامة. (2017). توظيف البيانات الضخمة في الشركات التقنية وخصوصية المستخدم (رسالة
ماجستير غير منشورة). جامعة 8 ماي 1945 قالمة، الجمهورية الجزائرية.
مقناني، صبرينة؛ وشبيلة، مقدم. (2019). دور البيانات الضخمة في دعم التنمية المستدامة بالدول العربية. مجلة دراسات
المعلومات والتكنولوجيا جمعية المكتبات المتخصصة في الخليج العربي، (1)، 1-14.
موسى، عبد الله؛ وبلال، أحمد. (2019). الذكاء الاصطناعي ثورة في تقنيات العصر. جمهورية مصر العربية: المجموعة العربية للتدريب والنشر.
وزارة الاتصالات وتكنولوجيا المعلومات (2014). البيانات الضخمة تحقيق التوازن بين المزايا والمخاطر. قطر: المؤلف.
وزارة التربية (2019). النشرة السنوية لإحصاءات التعليم. الكويت: المؤلف.
Agha, N. (2018). Perceptions of school teachers in the governorates of Gaza Strip about the requirements for implementing educational policy strategies. Palestine University Journal for Research and Studies, 8(2), 56-103. (In Arabic).
Al-Aklubi, Ali. (2018). Big data and decision making at King Saud University: An evaluation study of ITQAN system. Journal of Information Studies & Technology, 15, 1-12. (In Arabic)
Al-Ghafeer, F. (2015). A Proposed model for the community school and Its educational policies in the stage of elementary education in Syria in light of the experiences of some of the proposed countries (Unpublished PhD’s Thesis). Damascus University, Syrian Arab Republic. (In Arabic).
Al-Hassan, R. (2012). Policy of Pre-University Education in State of Kuwait, “Future Study” (unpublished Master Thesis). Gulf University, Kingdom of Bahrain. (In Arabic)
Al-Khatheeri, Y., Abdulbaqi, A., & Al-shibami, A. (2018). Conceptual framework for Investigating the Intermediate role of information systems between Big Data Factor and Decision-Making Factor. International Journal of Management and Human Science, 2(2), 39-45.
Al-Sarayra, K., & Abu Hamid, A. (2016). Role of the school administration in spreading information and communication technology in the school community. Journal of Educational Sciences Studies, 4(43), 1483-11501. (In Arabic).
Butliles, M. (2014). Education Progress in Algeria from 1830 to 2011 (Unpublished Master's Thesis). University of Oran, Es Sénia, People's Democratic Republic of Algeria. (In Arabic).
Dede, C. (2016). Next steps for 'Big Data' in education: Utilizing data-intensive research. Education Technology, LVI(2), 37-42.
Deo, S. (2019(. Use of big data and social media in education in undergraduate and post.
Drigas, A. S., & Leliopoulos, P. (2014). The use of Big Data in Education. International Journal of Computer Science Issues, 11(5), 58-63.
Dubey, R., & Gunasekaran, A. (2015). Education and training for successful career in Big Data and Business Analytics. Industrial and Commercial Training, 47(4), 174-181.
Eid, Souad. (2013). Planning the educational policy and contemporary civilization challenges. Cairo: The Anglo-Egyptian Library. (In Arabic).
Graduate management studies. A study with respect to Nagpur city. Indian Journal of Applied Research, 9(3), 65-66.
Huda, M., Anshari, M., Almunawar, M. N., Shahrill, M., Tan, A., Jaidin, (2016, December). Innovative teaching in higher education: The Big Data Approach.
Huda, M., Maseleno, A., Shahrill, M., Jasmi, K. A., Mustari, I., & Basiron, B. (2017). Exploring adaptive teaching competencies in big data era. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 12(3), 68-83.
J. H., Daud, S., & Masri, M. (2016). Innovative teaching in higher education: The Big Data Approach. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, (Special Issue for INTE 2016).
Jeble, S., & Patil, Y. (2018). Role of big data in decision making. Operations and Supply Chain Management, 11(1), 36-44.
Kumi, A. M., & Seidu, A. A. (2017). Comparative review of selected educational policies of 1st and 2nd cycle institutions in Ghana and Burkina Faso and that of United Kingdom and United States. Academic journals, 12(7), 415-424.
Maqnani, S., & Shabila, M. (2019). Role of big data in supporting sustainable development in Arab countries. Journal of Information and Technology Studies, Association of Specialized Libraries in the Arab Gulf, (1), 1-14. (In Arabic)
Mayer, V., & Cukier, K. (2014). Learning with big data: The future of education. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Mcafee, A. & Brynjolfsson, E. (2012). Big data: The management revolution. Harvard Business Review, 90(10), 60-68.