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This study aimed to identify the reality of implementing Total Quality Management in the General Directorate of Financial Affairs at the Ministry of Education in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve the objectives of the study, a descriptive approach was used in which a questionnaire was prepared, consisting of 37 items. The questionnaire was divided into five axes: strategic planning, leadership, operations methods, education and training, continuous development and improvement.  After checking its validity and reliability, it was applied to the study sample, (all 184 employees of the General Directorate of Financial Affairs), and responses were collected from 108 individuals from the sample. Among the most prominent results of the study was that the sample's estimates were at medium degree on the reality of implementing Total Quality Management in the General Directorate of Financial Affairs. Also, there were statistically significant differences according to the sample members’ estimates of the reality of application due to the variables of job title, gender, and years of experience. In light of the findings of the study, a number of recommendations were made such as providing training and education to the directorates’ employees, coordinating between departments and divisions to divide work between them and working to instill a culture of total quality management.


Total quality management financial affairs Ministry of Education إدارة الجودة الشاملة الشؤون المالية وزارة التربية والتعليم

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