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The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of the Nasheed-based teaching of Islamic Education subject to fifth-grade female students and its impact on their achievement and the retention of learning effect among them. The sample of the study consisted of 65 fifth-grade students who were selected from a 5-7 grade school at one of the primary schools in Muscat Governorate. The sample was divided into two groups: an experimental group consisting of 33 female students who were taught using nasheeds (Islamic songs) and a control group of 32 female students who were taught using the traditional teaching method. To measure the differences between the two groups, the researchers created an achievement test that consisted of 21 multi-choice questions. The findings of the study showed statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the two groups (the experimental and control groups) in the immediate achievement post-test and the postponed post-test in favor of the experimental group that was taught using nasheeds. The study offers a number of recommendations that include the application of the experiment to a wider category of fifth-grade students in the area of education.


Effectiveness Nasheed achievement , retention of learning فاعلية الأناشيد التعليمية التحصيل الدراسي أثر التعلم

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