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The present study investigated the perceptions of novice Omani teachers of the kind of professional dispositions they have in the job and the influence of two variables, namely gender and teaching experience on these perceptions. The study employed a descriptive research design and used a five level Likert scale questionnaire that assessed the level of possession of the investigated dispositions as perceived by the participants. The questionnaire consisted of five categories of dispositions: Professional values at work, dispositions associated with personality characteristics and traits, dispositions related to cooperation and leadership, dispositions related to continuous and life-long learning and attitudes towards the teaching profession. Reliability of the questionnaire was found to be (0.95) using Cronbach Alpha. Results showed that novice teachers’ evaluation of their dispositions was “very high”. Professional values at work received the highest mean (4.59), followed by dispositions associated with personality characteristics (4.48) and then attitudes towards the teaching profession. Dispositions related to cooperation and leadership, and dispositions related to continuous and life-long learning were rated as “high” with mean values of (4.18) and (4.07) respectively. Findings also showed that there were no significant differences between the participants in their perceptions attributed to gender and teaching experience. Accordingly, the study suggested number of recommendations.


Professional dispositions novice teachers Oman القيم المهنية المعلم المبتدىء امتلاك القيم المهنية سلطنة عمان

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