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Abstract: The current study's main aim was to monitor science teachers' perceptions for grades five to eight about the effectiveness of the Google Classroom application in equipping students with self-learning and problem-solving skills. The sample of this study consisted of (104) male-teacher and (293) female teachers from eight educational governorates in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve the objectives of this study, the study used the descriptive methodology by developing a questionnaire. This questionnaire was established based on educational literature and previous studies. It was divided into two domains: self-learning and problem-solving skills, including (23) items. The reliability and the validity of the questionnaire were verified. The result revealed the effectiveness of the Google classroom platform in equipping students with self-learning and problem-solving skills according to the science teachers' perceptions with a high arithmetic average for the questionnaire. The study recommended the necessity of integrating e-learning into education to enhance collaborative and collective work and employing the Google classroom platform application in science education and other academic courses. 


perspectives of science teachers google classroom platform self-learning problem solving تصوّرات معلمي العلوم منصة جوجل كلاس روم (Google Classroom) التعلّم الذاتي حلّ المشكلات

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