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Abstract: This study aimed to understand the interlinks between religious orientations (extrinsic, intrinsic, quest, and fundamentalist), intergroup contact and sectarian prejudice, verifying whether religious orientations mediate the contact-prejudice links. A sample of 2,498 Omani citizens (Mage=31 years, SDage=9.9) who belong to either Ibada, Sunnah, or Shi'a sects responded to a questionnaire measuring the study variables. The results indicated that fundamentalist, extrinsic, and intrinsic religiosity were positively correlated with sectarian prejudice. Furthermore, quest religiosity and contact were negatively correlated with sectarian prejudice, and we found that quest and fundamentalist orientations mediate the association between contact and sectarian prejudice. We concluded that sectarian prejudice can be significantly explained by fundamentalist and extrinsic religiosity, and that quest and fundamentalist religious orientations mediate the contact-sectarian prejudice relationship.


أنماط التدين التَّعصُّب المذهبي التَّواصل بين الجماعات religious orientations sectarian prejudice intergroup contact

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