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Abstract: The study aimed to explore the contribution of learning resources to academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience as well as their level according to gender, age stage and living place among (2659) primary stage distance learning students who were chosen from the governmental schools in Jordan using the convenience sampling method. To achieve the purposes of the study three scales were administrated to the study sample measuring learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience. The results showed that means of females were higher than for males in (self-learning, Darsak platform and the regular teacher) learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience, and that means of children were higher than for adolescents in (family-learning and the regular teacher) learning resources, while they were higher for adolescents than for children in (self-learning and special classes) learning resources and academic buoyancy. The results also showed that the means of students living in camps were the highest in general on learning resources, academic buoyancy and satisfaction with learning experience scales according to the living place variable. Finally, the results showed that learning resources and age stage explained (55.9%) of the variance in academic buoyancy and (59.1%) of the variance in the satisfaction with learning experience. One of the main recommendations of the study was the need to provide appropriate academic and psychological care for distance learning students.


مصادر التعلم النهوض الأكاديمي الرضا عن الخبرة الدراسية التعلم عن بعد المدارس الأردنية learning resources academic buoyancy satisfaction with learning experience distance learning Jordanian schools

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