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The study aimed to design an educational program based on the Micro: Bit and measure its effectiveness in acquisition of basic programming skills and computational thinking skills for primary school students. The quasi-experimental method was used. The sample consisted of (22) students. After verifying the releablity and validity of the study tools (the observation card for basic programming skills, and the computational thinking scale), they were applied as pre-test, then (15) lessons were implemented using project-based learning for a period of two months. After that, the post-test was applied. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences at the significance level (α = 0.001) in favor of the post-test of the computational thinking skills scale and the basic programming skills overall, and a high effectiveness of (0.81) for the computational thinking skills scale, and an effectiveness of (0.74) for basic programming skills. It also showed a relative variation in the levels of significance and impact size in the sub-skills. The study recommended the inclusion of programming lessons using Micro: Bit in the digital skills curricula for primary school students


برنامج تعليمي فاعلية المايكروبت التفكير الحاسوبي مهارات البرمجة programming Skills effectiveness Micro: Bit computational thinking educational program

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