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Abstract: The tendency to think critically is the motivation of an individual for using critical thinking when faced with a problem that requires a solution, making a decision or evaluating an idea. This study used the Rasch Rating Scale Model (RSM) analysis to examine a set of psychometric properties of an Arabic version of the Critical Thinking Disposition Scale (EMI): items fit, unidimensionality, local independence, equal-item-discriminations, gender differential item functioning, reliability and separation indicators and scale calibra-tion. The findings indicated that EMI showed good compatibility with the RSM as all the items matched the model except for item 11. In addition, the assumptions of the Rasch model which were unidimensionality, local independence, and equal-item-discriminations were realized. The scale had excellent reliability for persons and good reliability for items. The scale showed good separation indicators for items, and excellent separation indicators for persons. The items did not show differential gender performance. The distances be-tween the response categories were appropriate, and the category measurements showed a consistent in-crease.


الخصائص السيكومترية النزعة للتفكير الناقد نظرية الاستجابة للفقرة نموذج راش critical thinking disposition item response theory psychometrics rasch model

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