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Abstract: This study explored the Health Citizenship Attitudes among social studies teachers in post-primary education stage in Sultanate of Oman, besides examining the impact of some demographic and personal variables. The sample consisted of (N =200) teachers. The descriptive analytical design method was used. Health Citizenship Attitudes Scale was developed to include knowledge of health citizenship, commitment to health citizenship values, and participation in promoting health citizenship values. The Face validity, and reliability of scale were also verified, using expert judges and the internal consistency coefficient that showed a reliable value of Cronbach's alpha (α =0.90). The results showed that the level of health citizenship attitudes among teachers was positive and high, with the mean and percentage of the total scale score (M = 3.88, 77.6%), and for knowledge of health citizenship (M = 4.17, 83.4%), for participation in promoting values of Health citizenship (M=3.93, 78.6%), and commitment to health citizenship behaviors (M=3.54, 70.8%). The results also revealed that there were statistically significant differences to variables of gender, rate of following Covid-19 news, educational governorate, and no differences were found regarding the variables of major and extent of commitment to preventive measures.


health citizenship attitudes social studies teachers post-primary education covid-19 pandemic Sultanate of Oman اتجاهات المواطنة الصحيّة معلمو الدراسات الاجتماعية التعليم ما بعد الأساسي جائحة كوفيد-19 سلطنة عُمان

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