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Abstract: The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of teaching and evaluating written expression using a package of modern digital applications that support the Google Classroom platform to develop the writing skills of students in tenth grade.The study included all tenth-grade students in government schools in the Sultanate of Oman during the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 49,042 male and female students distributed among schools in the country. The sample consisted of 124 male and female students, 62 males and 62 females selected purposively from four schools (two schools for males and two for females). The current study followed the experimental method with a quasi-experimental design consisting of two experimental and control groups. The experimental group was taught and evaluated using the proposed strategy for teaching and evaluating written expression, while the control group was taught and evaluated using the traditional method. The results of the study showed a statistically significant increase in the average scores of the experimental group compared to the control group in the post-application test of the written expression skills in the three primary skills (content, language and style, and form and organization), and the results showed that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05≥α) between the average scores of the experimental and control groups in the application of the post-test of written expression skills attributed to the teaching method. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between tenth grade students in the level of "content and language & style" skills attributed to gender, while the results showed that there were statistically significant differences among tenth grade students in the level of "form and organization" skill attributed to gender and in favor of females. Furthermore, the results revealed no statistically significant differences among tenth-grade students in the overall level of writing expression skills, attributed to the interaction between the teaching method and gender. However, the results of the Two-way analysis of variance indicated statistically significant differences in the performance of tenth-grade students in overall skills, attributed to both gender and teaching method.


written expression google classroom platform expression skills methods of teaching arabic language modern digital applications التعبير الكتابي منصة جوجل كلاس روم مهارات التعبير طرق تدريس اللغة العربية التطبيقات الرقمية الحديثة

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