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Abstract: This study aims at investigating the intentional behavior of divorce decision according to the determents of the theory of planned behavior, and its relation to the emotional stability and some of cognitive distortion types (emotional deprivation thought – undeveloped self-thought – alienation) on divorce decision. The sample includes 195 marriage’s participants, clients of family counseling department, Ministry of Justice, from all Kuwait governorates. Three scales were applied, questionnaires of Kuwait university for divorce decision, emotional stability checklist, and three subscales of cognitive distortions battery. The result showed that the ability of the theory of planned behavior to predict and explain the intention of divorce decision.  The results showed a positive correlation between the intentional behavior of divorce decision and the emotional stability, and a negative correlation between the intentional behavior of divorce decision and types of cognitive distortion. On the other hand, the result showed that there was a positive correlation between all determinants of the theory of planned behavior and emotional stability. Also, there was a negative correlation between the subjective norm determinant and cognitive distortion types (emotional deprivation, undeveloped self, alienation). The results also showed that women had intentional behavior of divorce more than men. There were not statistical differences of intention behavior according to, educational levels, age, marriage duration, children. Those with emotional stability had an ability to predict the intentional behavior of divorce decision, also they had the ability to predict attitude determinate, as one of the intentional behavior determents. last of all, the results showed that the emotional deprivation thought, as one of the cognitive distortions, had an ability to predict of subjective norm, as a determent of intentional behavior.


اتخاذ قرار الطلاق النية السلوكية نظرية السلوك المخطط له التشويه المعرفي الاتزان الانفعالي divorce decision intention behavioral theory of planned behavior emotional stability cognitive distortion

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