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Abstract: The study aimed to identify the prevalence of alexithymia, the nature of the relationship between it and self-compassion, and the differences between alexithymia, culture, gender, and the interaction between them on the dimensions of self-compassion in seven Arab societies, to achieve the aim of the study, the descriptive, correlational approach was used.  The sample consisted of (N= 2265); their ages ranged between (18-60) years, who were applied to the Toronto Alexithymia Scale. and the Self Compassion Scale.The results showed a difference in the prevalence of alexithymia, which ranged between (26.2% - 49%), and it reached (36.7%) in the total sample, Moreover, the relationships between alexithymia and self-compassion also varied, and the total sample showed a positive relationship between alexithymia and self-judgment, isolation, and Over-identification. Furthermore, alexithymia influenced the dimensions of self-compassion, especially the negative dimensions, and alexithymic people were higher in self-judgment, isolation, and self-identification. The largest effect size was the effect of alexithymia on self-judgment, as the differences were attributed to alexithymia at a rate of (13.4%), and these differences were not isolated from the influence of culture, as the results showed an interaction of the factors of alexithymia and culture in varying the dimensions of self-compassion.


الألكسثيميا الشفقة بالذات الوعي بالانفعالات وصف المشاعر alexithymia elf-compassion awareness of emotions describing feelings

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