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Abstract: The study aimed to reveal the level to which special education classroom teachers’ knowledge and willingness in the modification process of special educational curriculum for students with special needs in inclusion schools in Kuwait; and whether it varies according to demographic variables. And to achieve the study purposes, a questionnaire for of knowledge and willingness of modification process of special educational curriculum from the point of view of special education classroom teachers was used. A sample of 228 special education classroom teachers selected. Results showed that the level of special education classroom teachers’ knowledge about the modification process for developing the special educational curriculum ranged from medium to high, and that the level of readiness to implement the modification process was high, and that there were statistically significant differences attributed to the variable of educational qualification in favor to special education major. In light of the results, recommendations were provided, including directing those in charge of elementary inclusion schools in Kuwait to intensify professional development courses for special education classroom teachers with specializations in curricula and teaching methods, and teacher preparation programs in Kuwait regarding the necessity of reviewing and developing graduation major-sheets, in order to enhance the knowledge and skill aspects for the modification process to be able to develop the special educational curriculum successfully.


Special education teachers modification process special educational curriculum inclusion schools Kuwait معلمات التربية الخاصة عملية التعديل المنهج التعليمي الخاص مدارس الدمج الكويت

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