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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the Cover, Copy, Compare (CCC) strategy on teaching writing personal information to middle school students with intellectual disability. Four female students, aged between (12-15) years, participated in the study. A multi-probe design across participants was used to examine the effects. Results indicated that using this strategy was an effective method for facilitating the acquisition of the skills as all participants were able to write their information in three consecutive sessions with (100%). Maintenance data showed that the skill level was sustained, with average percentages ranging from (66%-100%). In addition, participants were able to generalize the acquired skill to write their information and fill out a new form with average percentages ranging from (70%-100%). Social validity data showed that the participant’s teachers favorably viewed the procedures and outcomes of intervention. Study outcomes extend the research on the effectiveness of (CCC) strategy for improving students’ writing skills. Study results support the use of such strategy in various education contexts due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The results and their implications are discussed.


Cover Copy Compare (CCC) strategy Personal Information Writing Intellectual Disabilities Middle School إستراتيجية اخف انسخ قارن (CCC) كتابة المعلومات الشخصية الإعاقة الفكرية المرحلة المتوسطة

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