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Abstract: The research aimed to assess the efficacy of the flipped classroom approach in enhancing functional writing skills and gauging student attitudes towards it among University of Technology and Applied Sciences students in Shinas. The study, comprising 60 male and female participants, utilized a quasi-experimental design with a control group (30 students) male and female and an experimental group (30 students) male and female. Two assessment tools were employed: a functional writing skills test and an attitude measurement towards the flipped classroom strategy. The findings revealed significant disparities in the mean scores of the experimental group between pre- and post-applications of the functional writing skills test, favoring the post-application and attributed to the instructional method. Moreover, the post-application scores on the attitude scale exhibited statistically significant differences compared to the pre-application scores. Based on these outcomes, the study advocates for leveraging technology to enhance students' functional writing abilities and recommends training Arabic language instructors in integrating technology within the communication skills curriculum.


effectiveness flipped classroom strategy skills functional writing attitudes إستراتيجيّة الصّفّ المقلوب مهارات الكتابة الوظيفيّة الاتّجاهات

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