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This study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a training program based on the Skill Development Model in increasing the Professional self–efficacy among counselor-trainees in Jordan. The sample consisted of (62) male and female 3rd and 4th year students in counseling psychology at Yarmouk University, who were randomly assigned to an experimental group trained by the program, and a control group trained by conventional methods. The results of the study revealed that the Professional self– efficacy level of the experimental group was statistically higher than that the control group. That there were statistically significant differences in the level of professional self-efficacy attributed to gender in favor of males. Differences in the professional self-efficacy attributed to the interaction between the level of study and gender. The results also pointed out differences on the first and the third subscales attributed to gender in favor of males, and differences attributed to the interaction between the level of study and gender on the second subscale. There were no differences attributed to the rest of the study variable.



Supervision program professional self – efficacy self – efficacy supervision counseling.

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