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The aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which Omani students apply In- ternational Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) second standard for technology coaches and its relation with gender, training institution type, student’s specialization, GPA and cohort. A questionnaire of twenty three items to measure the components of the second standard was derived from these components and used. A sample of 171 students was used to collect data. Onsite supervisors were used to evaluate students’ application of the second standard. The re- sults indicate that the overall performance of the students reflects a reasonable and acceptable performance but does not reach the target and desirable performance. Statistical analysis shows no significant differences due to gender, and cohort but there were significant differences due to students’ specialization, institution type and students’ GPA. The study concludes with some recommendations to improve the weak components and revise the procedures and processes of the internship program


ISTE standards internship technology coaches Omani students

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