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This study aimed to explore separation anxiety and social conformity levels among a sample of adolescents. The study sample consisted of 319 students (170 males and 149 females). It was a convenient sample chosen from some villages in Haifa district in Palestine. The authors developed a scale to measure separation anxiety from peers after the model of Hansburg’s 1980 scale. A measure of social conformity was also used (Abu-Nemr, 2011). The results showed a low level of separation anxiety and social conformity among adolescents. There were no significant differences found in social conformity due to the separation anxiety, sex, and interaction between anxiety and grade level. Significant differences were found in the level of social conformity that were attributed to interaction between sex and grade level in favor of males in the eighth grade and in favor of female in the ninth grade.


Separation anxiety peer group social conformity adolescence.

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