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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of blended learning based on the learning management system "Blackboard" in immediate and delayed achievement and retention in a physics course among Health Colleges students at KSU. The study sample consisted of 53 Health Colleges students at KSU, who were divided into two groups: the experimental group (25 students), who studied physics using blended learning based on the Blackboard system; and the control group (28 students), who studied the same content using the traditional method. The ANCOVA analysis results of the students' scores on the achievement tests indicated that blended learning based on Blackboard is more effective than the traditional method in immediate and delayed achievement in physics. Further, the results of the paired-samples t-test indicated that blended learning based on Blackboard had a positive longitudinal effect on retention among Health Colleges students at KSU, while the traditional method was not effective.




E-learning web-based learning learning management system (LMS) blackboard (Bb) blended learning (BL) science teaching strategies.

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