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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The approved template for the journal was followed in the format of this article
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Aims and Scope:

The Sultan Qaboos University Legal Studies Journal (SQULSJ) welcomes original papers, written either in Arabic or English, in the broad field of Law. The journal also accepts book reviews and conference abstracts.

Sultan Qaboos University Legal Studies (SQULSJ) is a peer-refereed journal, it welcomes high quality, theoretically informed papers on a wide range of various legal fields, and that have a link to Islamic Law as well. It welcomes submission of papers in both Arabic and English language, from all interested scholars including PhD and Master Student.

Authors should confirm in writing that they adhere to publication requirements that the submitted paper is original, is not plagiarized, and has not been published entirely or partially elsewhere, or are under consideration by other journals.

All papers are double-blind peer reviewed and the authors are notified of the assessment results.

Authors should obtain the permission and acknowledgement of copyright holders in order to publish data which are not their own.

Papers should be submited by the journal website in the form of a Word format. They should follow SQULSJ journal template . Papers should not exceed 8,000 words, including references. Book reviews should not exceed 1,500 words.

Authors must include an Arabic and an English abstract, each one not exceeding 250 words, typed double-spaced and on a separate sheet. Up to five keywords should be listed at the end of each abstract.

The cover page of the manuscript should have the title of the paper, the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), along with contact addresses, (e-mail, fax and telephone).

Figures and diagrams should be on A4 glossy paper.

The reference section, listed in an alphabetical order, should have all the works cited in the paper and no others. References should be presented as in the following examples:

  • Book:

Author name, title, edition, publisher, city/state, year. For example: Abdulrazaq alsanhuri, Alwasseet fi sharh Alqanoon Almadani, 1sted, Dar Ihyaa Alturath Alarabi, Beirut, 2003.

  • Chapter/article from a book:

Author name, "title of chapter", title of the book, edition, publisher, city/state, year

  • Journal Articles :

Author name, "title of the article", name of the journal, volume, Issue, year, pages.

  • Unpublished work:

Author name, title, (unpublished MA/PhD dissertation) University, state, year.

  • Translated work:

Author name, title, translation: name of translator, edition, publisher, city/state, year

  • Internet sources:

Name of author. Title of document. Retrieved date, URL of document, accessed on (Last update or copyright date; if not known, put n,d).

  1. Footnotes and authors’ clarifications are to be placed at the bottom of the relevant page.
  2. The author is obligated to download the journal template (from the website) and The manuscript should be typed with 1.5-line space using Simplified Arabic font size 14 for the main text, and 12 for the footnotes, and for English article Time New Roman font size 12 for the main text, 10 for the footnote.
  3. Paper size of manuscript should be A4 with margins of 2 centimeters on all sides.