The SQUJS is the official journal of College of Science at Sultan Qaboos University. SQUJS is an international peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research articles in an open access format.

Aims and Scope

The SQUJS aims to provide a platform for scientists in new interdisciplinary of basic and applied sciences in which scientist publish high quality articles in science. Therefore, both theoretical and experimental implications of research are highly considered. The scope includes fundamental sciences in the field of mathematics, statistics, chemistry, physics, biology, biotechnology, environmental, earth sciences, and computer sciences as well as related disciplines. The journal welcomes research articles from all countries.

Publisher: Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Format: Print & Online
ISSN: Online: 2414-536X & Print: 1027-524X
DOI: 10.24200/squjs
Abides by:  Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct
Available from: J-Gate, Google Scholar, DOAJ, Al Manhal, Crossref, LOCKSS, EBSCO and DOI
Acceptance Rate: 35% in 2016
Frequency: Biannual

Publishing Schedule: Issue 1 on June and Issue 2 on December 

Revenue Sources: such as author fees, subscription, advertising, reprints and institutional support are all free of charge. 

Article Processing Charges: No

Type of Journal: Academic/Scholarly Journals
Open Access: Yes
Indexed & Abstracted: Yes
Policy: Double-blind peer review
Review Time: 3-6 weeks
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