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In the past, sarooj had been used as the basic cementing material with which the A flaj system (the irrigation system used in Oman) was built. Worldwide, materials like sarooj existed and were known for their good impermeability and long durability. For this reason it was extensively used in hydraulic structures. Even in this century and with the ready availability of Portland cements, special plants were erected to produce materials like sarooj for major dams in the world. In the process of hydration In sarooj-lime mixes or in sarooj-cement mixes free lime is released which causes distress through the expansion of the mortar if allowed to accumulate. If free lime is stabilized within the structure of the mortar. it imparts additional strength and durability to it. The mortar becomes less permeable to water, which increases its resistance to wearhering. The stabilization is possible through the presence of a reactive silica/alumina in the mix so that it reacts with the free lime to form calcium silicates/aluminates. The properties of sarooj depend largely on the type of the raw material and the calcination parameters. This paper describes this material, its method of production and uses, and highlights research currently conducted to improve its properties.