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Objectives: The study aimed to identify the important effects of some selected variables in antenatal care (ANC) seeking behaviour among slum mothers. Methods: The data for the study were collected in 2006 from 700 mothers in the slum areas of Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC), Bangladesh. Results: The results indicate that tetanus toxoid (TT) is relatively widespread in slum areas of RCC. Serious health implications were observed for the mothers and their children who lived in the study areas because more than half of the respondents (56.1%) were not assisted at their last childbirth by any health professional. The respondents were too poor to buy iron tablets/syrup and vitamin tablets/syrup during their last pregnancy. The application of a logistic regression model suggested that demographic and socio-economic factors were associated with ANC seeking behaviour among slum mothers. Conclusion: Respondents’ education, place of treatment, husband’s occupation, family’s income, and exposure to mass media had highly significant effects on mothers seeking medical checkups during their last pregnancy.


Care prenatal Mothers Slums Logistic regression Immunization program Tetanus toxoid Bangladesh.

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How to Cite
Rahman, M., Islam, R., & Rahman, M. (2010). Antenatal Care Seeking Behaviour among Slum Mothers : A Study of Rajshahi City Corporation, Bangladesh. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 10(1), 50–56. Retrieved from