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Immunotherapy with T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CAR) is being evaluated as a potential treatment for B-cell neoplasms. In recent clinical trials it has shown promising results. As the number of potential candidate antigens expands, the choice of suitable target antigens becomes more challenging to design studies and to assess optimal efficacy of CAR. Careful evaluation of candidate target antigens is required to ensure that T cells expressing CAR will preferentially kill malignant cells with a minimal toxicity against normal tissues. B cells express specific surface antigens that can theoretically act as targets for CAR design. Although many of these antigens can stimulate effective cellular immune responses in vivo, their implementation in clinical settings remains a challenge. Only targeted B-cell antigens CD19 and CD20 have been tested in clinical trials. This article reviews exploitable B cell surface antigens for CAR design and examines obstacles that could interfere with the identification of potentially useful cellular targets.
B cells
T cells
Chimeric antigen receptors.
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How to Cite
Boulasse, M.-R., & Galal, A. (2012). Immunotherapy for B-Cell Neoplasms using T Cells expressing Chimeric Antigen Receptors : From antigen choice to clinical implementation. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 12(3), 273–285. Retrieved from