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Allergic rhinitis is a ubiquitous type of allergic reaction which results in significant costs to affected patients and their families. Although allergic rhinitis can coexist with other atopic conditions, the role of food allergies in the development of allergic rhinitis has not been well studied. This article explores relevant literature on this subject in order to identify gaps in the available body of knowledge and elucidate scope for further research.


Allergic Reactions Respiratory Hypersensitivity Allergic Rhinitis Food Allergies Allergens.

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How to Cite
Al-Abri, R., Al-Amri, A. S., Al-Dhahli, Z., & Varghese, A. M. (2018). Allergic Rhinitis in Relation to Food Allergies: Pointers to future research. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 18(1), e30–33.

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