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This technical note aimed to present a straigthforward method for harvesting quadriceps tendon autografts with the use of a simple vaginal speculum and direct visualisation of a scope. Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with quadriceps tendon autografts has gained popularity in recent years, with many harvesting techniques that use different harvesting systems available on the market. These techniques vary from transverse to longitudinal skin incisions and from open to minimally invasive approaches and have a learning curve, as with the majority of surgical procedures. The technique proposed in this technical note is minimally invasive, can be easily reproduced by any surgeon irrespective of their experience, has a short learning curve, requires no additional cost or technical support during the procedure and creates a stable working space that allows for freedom of manipulation of surgical instruments and the arthroscope.

Keywords: Anterior Cruciate Ligament; Knee; Arthroscopic Surgery; Quadriceps Muscle; Autografting; Greece.

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How to Cite
Koukoulias, N. E., Vasiliadis, A. V., & Dimitriadis, T. (2024). The Use of a Simple Vaginal Speculum to Harvest Quadriceps Tendon Autografts for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Avoid Any Potential Pitfalls during Harvesting Procedure: Technical note. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 24(2), 268–271.