ISSN (Print): 2075-051X

ISSN (Online): 2075-0528

Published: Mar 16, 2009

Quality of Diabetes Care: A cross-sectional observational study in Oman

32-36 Ahmed Al-Mandhari, Ibrahim Al-Zakwani, Omayma El-Shafie, Mohammed Al-Shafaee, Nicholas Woodhouse

Serum Myoglobin in Patients with Thyroid Dysfunction

37-41 Waad-Allah S Mula-Abed, Sawsan S Al-Sinani, Huda S Al-Hashmi

Qualitative study on the Community Perception of the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) Implementation in Lahej, Yemen

42-52 Huda O Basaleem, Rahmah M Amin

The Management of Non-Invasive Bladder Tumours with Doxorubicin Intravesical Instillation after Transurethral Resection

53-58 Musa I Al-Gallab, Louai A Naddaf, Mohamad R Kanan

A Retrospective Study of Fungal Corneal Ulcers in the South Sharqiyah Region in Oman

59-62 Thara Idiculla, George Zachariah, BR Keshav, Somansu Basu

Study of the Effect of Panax Ginseng versus Gliclazide on Hyperglycaemia-Induced by Dexamethasone in ExperiMental Animals

63-69 Doa’a Anwar Ibrahim

Effect of N-acetyl-L-cysteine on Cytokine Production by Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

70-74 Ahmed Al-Shukaili, Suad Al-Abri, Alia Al-Ansari, Michele A Monteil

Gastric Adenocarcinoma in Association with Tuberous Sclerosis Case report

75-78 Saeed Ahmed, Ikram Burney, Sukhpal Sawhney, Mansour S Al-Moundhri

Metastatic Malignant Melanoma during Pregnancy : Case report and a Review of the literature

79-83 Mariam Mathew, Shahila Sheik, Kuntal Rao, Ikram A Burney, Sukhpal Sawhney, Aisha Al-Hamdani

Sigmoid Volvulus Complicating Pregnancy Managed by Resection and Primary Anastomosis Case report with literature review

84-88 Norman O Machado, Lovina S M Machado

Traumatic Aorto-Mesenteric-Portal Fistula Percutaneous management : Case Report

89-94 Rajeev Jain, Girish K Pande, Peush Sahni, Dev N Dwivedi

Posture-related Displacement of Subclavian Catheter in Obese Patients

95-96 Mohammad Salman Mirza, Mohammad Shafiq

The Color Atlas of Family Medicine

97-98 Rahma Al Kindi

Murtagh’s Patient Education

99-100 Samir Al-Adawi

The Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2009

101-102 Amir M. Al-Amri