ISSN (Print): 2075-051X

ISSN (Online): 2075-0528

Published: Jun 30, 2009

The Use of Medicines in Oman : Public Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices

124-131 Ahmed Abdo-Rabbo, Manal Al-Ansari, Brian C Gunn, Batool J Suleiman

Management and Control of Asthma in Patients Attending a Specialist Centre in Oman

132-139 Omar A Al-Rawas, Jayakrishnan B, Fatma Ben Abid, Jojy George, Sawsan A Baddar, Bazdawi M Al-Riyami

Prevalence of Depression, Anxiety and Stress as Measured by the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale (DASS-42) among Secondary School Girls in Abha, Saudi Arabia

140-147 Khalid S. Al-Gelban, Hasan S Al-Amri, Ossama A Mostafa

Radiation Exposure Levels in Family Members of Omani Patients with Thyrotoxicosis Treated with Radioiodine (131I) as Outpatients

148-152 Ibtisaam Al-Maskery, Haddia Bererhi

The Impact of Chronic Liver Diseases on the Level of Heart-Type Fatty Acid-Binding Protein (H-FABP) Concentrations

153-156 Hafidh A Al-Hadi, Brent William, Keith A Fox

Acute Idiopathic Pulmonary Haemorrhage in a 2 month old Infant : Case report and review of the literature

170-174 Salem Al-Tamemi, Hussein Al-Kindi

A Female Child with Skin Lesions and Seizures Case report of Incontinentia Pigmenti

157-161 Sana Al-Zuhaibi, Anuradha Ganesh, Ahmed Al-Waili, Faisal Al-Azri, Hashim Javad, Amna Al-Futaisi

Marjolin’s Ulcer Radiographic and magnetic resonance appearances in two cases

162-166 Sukhpal Sawhney, Rajeev Jain, Anupam Kakaria, Pradeep Chopra

Neurofibromatosis with Bilateral Renal Artery Stenosis and End Stage Renal Disease : Case Report

167-169 Mohamed Al-Rawahi, Dawood Al-Riyami, Mahfooz A Farooqui, Humoud Al-Duhli

Retrieval of Dislodged Central Venous Pressure Catheters Early experience with three case presentations

175-179 Hafidh Al-Hadi, Mansour Sallam

Absence of Left Pulmonary Artery : Case report

180-184 Dilip Sankhla, Samir Hussein, Jojy George, Ranjan William, Sinan Al-Azawi, Badriya Al-Qassabi

Bacterial Keratitis: Perspective on Epidemiology, Clinico-Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment

184-195 Abdullah Al-Mujaini, Nadia Al-Kharusi, Archana Thakral, Upender K Wali

Pearson’s Marrow-Pancreas Syndrome

196-197 Salem H Al-Tamemi

Fundamentals of Psychology

201-202 Samir Al-Adawi