ISSN (Print): 2075-051X

ISSN (Online): 2075-0528

Published: Oct 14, 2014

Graduated Driver Licensing : An international review

432-441 Lyndel J. Bates, Siobhan Allen, Kerry Armstrong, Barry Watson, Mark J. King, Jeremy Davey

Advancing Tobacco Dependence Treatment Services in the Eastern Mediterranean Region : International collaboration for training and capacity-building

442-447 Feras I. Hawari, Rasha K. Bader

Mechanical Prosthetic Valves and Pregnancy : A therapeutic dilemma of anticoagulation

448-454 Prashanth Panduranga, Mohammed El-Deeb, Chitra Jha

Metabolic Syndrome and Its Components : Secondary analysis of the World Health Survey, Oman

460-467 Mahmoud Abd El-Aty, Ruth Mabry, Magdi Morsi, Jawad Al-Lawati, Asya Al-Riyami, Medhat El-Sayed

Non-Invasive Haemoglobin Estimation in Patients with Thalassaemia Major

468-472 Murtadha K. Al Khabori, Arwa Z. Al-Riyami, Khalil Al-Farsi, Mohammed Al-Huneini, Abdulhakeem Al-Hashim, Nasser Al-Kemyani, Issa Al-Qarshoubi, Hammad Khan, Khalfan Al-Amrani, Shahina Daar

The Correlation between Electroencephalography Amplitude and Interictal Abnormalities : Audit study

473-477 Sami F. Al-Rawas, Rajesh P. Poothrikovil, Khidir M. Abdelbasit, Robert S. Delamont

Fluctuation in the Levels of Immunoglobulin M and Immunoglobulin G Antibodies for Cardiolipin and β2-Glycoprotein among Healthy Pregnant Women

478-485 Mohammed S. Al-Balushi, Sidgi S. Hasson, Elias A. Said, Juma Z. Al-Busaidi, Muna S. Al-Daihani, Mohammed S. Othman, Talal A. Sallam, Mohammed A. Idris, Moza Al-Kalbani, Nicholas Woodhouse, Ali A. Al-Jabri

Co-Application of Corticosterone and Growth Hormone Upregulates NR2B Protein and Increases the NR2B:NR2A Ratio and Synaptic Transmission in the Hippocampus

486-494 Ghada S. Mahmoud, Ayman S. Amer

Antibiotic Prescribing Trends in an Omani Paediatric Population

495-499 Khalid Al-Balushi, Fatma Al-Ghafri, Fatma Al-Sawafi, Ibrahim Al-Zakwani

Comparison of Postoperative Pain in Children with Two Intracapsular Tonsillotomy Techniques and a Standard Tonsillectomy : Microdebrider and radiofrequency tonsillotomies versus standard tonsillectomies

500-505 Levente Deak, David Saxton, Keith Johnston, Palma Benedek, Gábor Katona

Increased Resistin Levels in Intra-abdominal Sepsis : Correlation with proinflammatory cytokines & Acute Physiology & Chronic Health Evaluation II scores

506-512 Tonguç U. Yilmaz, Mustafa Kerem, Canan Y. Demirtaş, Özge Pasaoǧlu, Öge Taşcilar, Ömer Şakrak, Kürşat Dikmen, Tarkan Karahan

Opportunistic Infections and Complications in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-1-Infected Children : Correlation with immune status

513-521 Jaivinder Yadav, Sanjeev Nanda, Deepak Sharma

Assessment of Breast Cancer Awareness among Female University Students in Ajman, United Arab Emirates

522-529 Shatha S. Al-Sharbatti, Rizwana B. Shaikh, Elsheba Mathew, Mawahib A. Al-Biate

Challenges and Strategies for Building and Maintaining Effective Preceptor-Preceptee Relationships among Nurses

530-536 Gerald A. Matua, Vidya Seshan, Raman Savithri, Dennis C. Fronda

Evidence-Based Practice : Knowledge, attitudes, practice and perceived barriers among nurses in Oman

537-545 Ali A. Ammouri, Ahmad A. Raddaha, Preethy Dsouza, Renu Geethakrishnan, Judith A. Noronha, Arwa A. Obeidat, Lina Shakman

Evidence-Based Practice : Knowledge, attitudes, practice and perceived barriers among nurses in Oman

546-550 Anas-Alwogud A. Abdelmogheth, Alddai M. A. Al-Nair, Abdullah A. S. Balkhair, Akram M. Mahmoud, Mohamed El-Naggari

Is More Nutrition Education Needed in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum? : Perceptions of graduates from a medical university in the United Arab Emirates

551-555 Kadayam G. Gomathi, Syed I. Shehnaz, Nelofer Khan

Hepatobiliary Complications of Sickle Cell Disease among Children Admitted to Al Wahda Teaching Hospital, Aden, Yemen

556-560 Hana A. Qhalib, Gamal H. Zain

Primary Cytomegalovirus-Related Eosinophilic Pneumonia in a Three-year-old Child with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia : Case report and literature review

561-565 Mohammed Al Reesi, Amal Al-Maani, George Paul, Sumaiah Al-Arimi

Primary Extradural Meningioma Presenting as Frontal Sinusitis with Extensive Bony Changes : Case report

566-570 Rajeev Kariyattil, Venkatesh Govindaraju, Rana S. Hamid, Muthukuttiparambil Unnikrishnan

Radioactive Iodine-131 Therapy in the Management of Ectopic Thyroid Tissue

571-574 Omayma T. El-Shafie, Samir Hussain, Dilip Sankhla, Nicholas Woodhouse

Syringocystadenoma Papilliferum of the Upper Lip

575-577 Hamdan A. Al-Habsi, Mustafa Al-Hinai, Ahmed Al-Waily, Salim Al-Sudairy, Vipula de Silva

A Case of an Undifferentiated Embryonal Sarcoma of the Liver Mimicking a Liver Abscess

578-581 Mohammad Hanafiah, Azyani Yahya, Zamri Zuhdi, Yazmin Yaacob

A Possible Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting with Generalised Oedema

582-584 Kawther T. El-Shafie, Ali Al-Shirawi, Buthaina Al-Maskari, Nafisa Samir

Bilateral Wrist Drop at Presentation in a Child with Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I

585-586 Roshan Koul, Rana Abdelrahim, Susan Al-Nabhani, Amna Al-Futaisi

Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma, Leg Type : A diagnosis not to forget in the elderly

587-588 Ricardo Ruiz-Villaverde, Francisco Ramos-Pleguezuelos